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Get Ready! The King is Coming!

  1. I live fearless, bold, courageous, filled to overflowing with oil, gazing upon Jesus, my Bridegroom King. I am ready.

  2. I feast on the Living Word, as it is written on my heart. It’s living by the Spirit, alive in me, releasing light, love, truth, as I am fully satisfied.

  3. I love the LORD, His Word, His ways, and I keep the First Commandment a priority and love others through His love.

  4. I am waiting, watching and preparing for the King of Glory to return.

  5. I am clothed in Christ, the armor of God, sharing His powerful Word from the scepter of His kingdom, righteousness and justice, led by the Holy Spirit.

  6. The foundation has been laid. It is Christ & Him crucified, knowing Him intimately and making Him known! I am set free from sin and death in His Blood.

  7. I am an ambassador for Christ, reconciling people back to God our Father.

  8. God has made us to be a kingdom of priests and kings through the Blood of Jesus to rule and reign with Him as co-heirs of Christ and an heir of God.

  9. I know and live in my identity and inheritance in Christ alone.

  10. I am redeemed, reconciled, restored and made whole in His Blood.

  11. I am cleansed, washed, justified and sanctified in His Blood.

  12. I am cleansed, washed, purified and sanctified by the watering of His Word.

  13. I am one with You in the Spirit. You satisfy me. I abide, feast and drink.

  14. I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. Your Blood is enough.

  15. I have all I need. You in me, Your love, the anointing, wisdom and power in Christ to preach the gospel to the poor, heal the brokenhearted, set the captive free, open the eyes of the blind, open the prison doors and proclaim this is the year of the LORD. Arise and shine. My light has come. The glory of the LORD is upon me.

  16. I am a son of God...the bride of Christ, drinking from the Water of Life saying, “Come, LORD Jesus. All come who choose to be a new creation.”

  17. I have authority over the power of the enemy and all his evil schemes.

  18. The Son of Man is coming in the clouds with all power and glory.

  19. I am a watchful believers, an overcomer, praying fervently and making myself ready through endurance and perseverance…keeping my eyes on the prize, Jesus Christ, longing for His return.

  20. I am faithful toward the LORD, in character and in doing, until He returns.

  21. I love my brothers and sisters in Christ, my heart is on fire to win souls.

  22. I hear Your voice, and I am helping the needy, feeding the poor, staying fixed on You, watching, longing for justice, looking for the signs, living rapture ready in Your Presence.

  23. I am Your house, the temple of the Holy Spirit, a holy vessel set apart for You.

  24. I am a prepared bride, clothed in Him, blameless, spotless, without blemish, full of the Holy Spirt, eyes on the Lamb of God, as I know Him, filled with an inexpressible joy, my destiny in You, Your extravagant love toward me, in me and through me. When I see You, I will be like You. I give You all glory, honor, praise and thanksgiving for such a great and glorious salvation.

  25. I stand in Your Presence, until I see You face to face. I will walk by faith and not by sight - taking my stand against the enemy and against his world system operated by satan – believing - for nothing is impossible with You.

  26. Until that day when You come as a thief in the night - in secret or appear in the sky for all to see - You will rescue me, Your bride, to spend all eternity with You. I surrender all.

  27. Jesus is coming for His bride. I am waiting, watching and preparing for Your return. I love you, Jesus!

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